Tips and Tools for Effective Leaders, Teams & Organizations
10 Years of Unlocking Potential at Ignition Coaching
CEO, Kully Jaswal, reflects on some of the pivotal moments over the last decade that turned Ignition Coaching from a 1:1 Career Coaching practice in Hong Kong to what is now a global Executive, Team and Organizational Wellbeing company with a group of 16 world-class coaches across 4 continents.
Ignition Coach Spotlight: Punita Gandhi
Our first spotlight is from Punita Gandhi. With over 20 years of experience, Punita’s area of expertise is partnering with and supporting leaders on articulating a purpose-driven strategy to shift their perspective from surviving to thriving in measurable, well-designed, and tangible ways that clearly demonstrate impact.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Although Imposter syndrome is often referred to as a women’s issue, data suggests that up to 82% of people, regardless of gender, experience impostor syndrome at some point in their lives. In fact, I’d say that 99% of men I coach experience some challenges with confidence. The difference is that their struggles often go unseen.
Ignition Coach Spotlight: Amy Fung
Today, we are featuring Executive Coach, Amy Fung. Based in Hong Kong, Amy is a seasoned finance executive who now works as an executive coach, trainer and facilitator. She is passionate about helping people find their true core values and excel in their chosen professions. For a full bio, visit her about page here.
Pausing With Me, Myself, And I In A World Gone Mad
In a world where we won’t ever truly escape the hustle and bustle tethered to technology, it’s even more important to acknowledge the power of the pause and the importance of reflection and renewal. Especially now, when the world seems to have gone mad, facing the madness, rather than to avoiding, is sound advice.
Here’s What It Really Takes To Shift Habits
Why does it feel so hard to change habits? Why is change so difficult? It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you are facing changes that seem enormous or are an extreme difference from where you are today. We say to ourselves, “this is not working. It’s no use,” and then we revert back to what we know. We love what’s familiar. If you really want to change a habit, here are some tips for how to make the shift a reality.
Ignition Coach Spotlight: Chris Irwin
Today, we are featuring Ignition’s Performance and Team Coach, Chris Irwin. He is a consultant in organizational alignment, based in Toronto, Canada where he has worked with Executive and Management teams to find greater personal and organizational alignment.
Ushering In An Era Of Adaptability
How we approach challenges as they arise matters greatly. We can't control or predict what will happen, such as losing a loved one or a public health crisis, but we can influence and change our mindset to deal with uncertainty in a positive way. We can also learn to accept what is happening around us, so we make conscious choices to influence the world we live in. Here is what Ignition is doing to support our community through a season of challenges.
Your Smartphone May Be Boosting Your Stress And Reducing Your Immunity
The pandemic has added to our dependency on smartphones. This is especially worrying because our dependency on smartphones can trigger or exacerbate anxiety. Anxiety reduces our immune system’s innate abilities to combat sickness. Anxiety leads us to reach for our phones again. And so, the cycle continues. Here are five tried-and-tested tips to reduce smartphone dependency and increase mental and emotional resilience.
Mindset Of Great Achievers
It's often difficult to get much needed space from your busy work schedule to gain a clearer perspective on your career. Yet great achievers find even little moments to review where they’re at and where they aspire to be. They also share one common trait: how they view opportunities and setbacks. If you seek to achieve more, here are 5 tools and techniques that will ignite a growth mindset.
You Are Your Biggest Critic
We’ve all heard that inner voice telling us to “wait, stop, you don’t know what you’re doing." Even those we perceive to be the highest of achievers are not immune to the Imposter Syndrome, that phenomenon whereby we live in fear that everyone is going to find out we're a fake. What can we do to quiet that Inner Critic to find our true inner selves, that which believes in us with realism and hope?
Old Habits Die Hard
The adage ‘Old habits die hard” is exactly why habits such as going to bed late, skipping the gym, or checking emails and messages in bed are so difficult to change. But thanks to neuroplasticity, change is always possible. Whenever you’re ready to make the shift, you can change your neural pathways and create positive habits.
Why leaders practice mindfulness
People take up mindfulness for different reasons. It seems to be a big media buzzword at the moment so it’s natural to ask, “What does it mean and why are so many people interested in mindfulness practice?”
6 Tips on Building Trust
Whether you are looking for new job or developing in your current role, building trust is critical to developing business and maintaining powerful relationships. How much time do you spend consciously thinking about the relationships you have, how you manage them and even how we remove ourselves from destructive or toxic relationships? Here are 6 ways to build trusting relationships:
How to be a Mindful Leader
We are living in a world that does not switch off – with information overload, increasing demands to perform extraordinary results and practically no time for self. Mindfulness practice help leaders take control of their everyday challenges, feel more at ease and be more effective at work. It all starts with the leader’s mindset.
Seven Questions To Ask In A Job Interview
You spent hours on your resume, targeted the right employers and positions, tackled the dreaded cover letter, and made it through the initial screening process. Then you landed the interview — congratulations! You are getting close to the finish line but still need to give a great interview before you land your dream job. Here are the seven questions to ask in a job interview: